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Diploma in Education-Special Education
(Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities) D.Ed.Spl.Ed.(IDD)

The fundamental aim of education is to generate learners who are motivated, effective and are increasingly responsible and contributory citizens. The 21st century additionally requires that the learners also match the global requirements by being creative, communicative, critical thinkers and collaborative. While the obligation of developing these abilities in learner rests on all stakeholders, the teachers’ invariably form the pivot. So, teacher preparation and development have a significant role in the national and global development. The 21st century learning has also seen a change in the perspectives towards the learners. It is increasingly recognized that they are diverse and diversity is valuable. The United Nations Convention of Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD) 2006, to which India is a signatory notable views ‘disability has a human diversity’. So, the educational acts and policies in India such as Right to Free and Compulsory Education (RTE) Act 2009 and its amendment in 2012, the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (RPWD) Act 2016 and the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 have provided special attention and made provisions for education of students with disabilities. The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI, 1992) is a statutory body under the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment.

RCI is mandated for the professional development through quality training programs to strengthen education and rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. RCI therefore develops standardized curricula and monitors the human resource development which are conducted through RCI recognized institutes and Universities for a range of programs, i.e., Certificate to Master level programs. The Diploma in Education - Special Education is formulated to prepare special teachers for children with the disabilities specializing in Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (IDD) which includes, Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) and Specific Learning Disability (SLD) besides Intellectual Disability (ID).

The special teacher can work in varying settings such as early intervention centers, preschools and elementary schools. These centers or schools may be special or inclusive in nature. The course also would prepare the teachers in a such way so that they can provide home training or in the blended learning form if the need arises.

1. Objectives of the Program: The Program of D.Ed. in Special Education (IDD) is developed with the following objectives:

 · To develop an understanding of varying disabilities and their implications;

· To have knowledge of the typical growth and development of learners and realize the psychological aspects influencing learning and education;

 · To be aware of the underlying philosophies, evolutionary practices and policy provisions facilitating the education of children with disabilities;

· To use various assessment tools and techniques for planning educational and other related interventions; · To be aware of and apply various curricular strategies;

· To appreciate various teaching approaches and use effective teaching strategies;

· To apply various pedagogical approaches for teaching at the elementary level;

· To provide support in the use of various intervention and therapeutic techniques;

· To apply appropriate techniques to help students with high support needs;

 · To develop an understanding of the concept, construct and facilitators of inclusive education; · To realize the importance and role of family and community as a catalyst in the education of children with disabilities.


2. Duration of the Programme-

The duration of the programme will be of 2 years. Each year will have 1200 hours leading to 40 credits for each year (30 hours = 1 credit). The weightage to the programme will be 60% practical and 40% theory i) The first year will comprise of 720 hours of practical and 480 hours of theory. ii) The second year will also have 1200 hours which will include 720 hours of practical and 480 hours of theory. The theory hours will also include 60 hours of Employability skills. The resources for the separate module are freely downloadable at This module will enable and empower the trainees with readiness skills for applying, preparing for interviews and developing soft skills for working as professionals in supporting diverse clients across different setups. The module will comprise of practical’s and theory and will be assessed formatively for internal marks and summatively with a final exam.


 3. Eligibility

Students who have passed 10+2 or equivalent with 50% of marks in any stream are eligible for the course.


4. Medium of Instruction

The medium of instruction will be English / Hindi / Regional or state-specific language.


5.. Intake capacity

 The intake for each year of the course will be a maximum of 35 as per the RCI norms.


6.  Minimum Attendance -Eighty per cent minimum attendance is required both in theory and practical to be eligible to appear in the semester end examination. D.Ed.Spl.Ed(IDD)-2023 / 30-05-2023 Rehabilitation Council of India 8


7. Examination Scheme -The course shall follow the RCI’s Scheme of Examination conducted from time to time.


8. Certification as Registered Personnel -It is mandatory for every rehabilitation professional / personnel to obtain a “Registered Personnel/ Professional Certificate” from the Rehabilitation Council of India to work in the field of disability rehabilitation and special education in India. A Student who has attended the training and completed the requirements for all modules successfully will be qualified as a Special Educator - Personnel and be eligible to work in the field of Rehabilitation in India as a Special Educator (Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities). As continuous professional growth is necessary for the renewal of the certificate, the rehabilitation professional / personnel should undergo in-service programme periodically D.Ed.Spl.Ed(IDD)-2023 / 30-05-2023 Rehabilitation Council of India 11 to update their professional knowledge. Each registered professional/personnel will be required to get himself /herself renew his registration periodically. The periodicity will be decided by the council from time to time. The activities for enrichment training programmes in the form of Continuous Rehabilitation Education (CRE) is decided by the RCI.

Course-wise Hours, Credits and Marks Distribution

Year 1 Theory

Year 1 Practical

Year 2 Theory

Year 2 Practical

Serving the Community Since 1989

Credibility Alliance Accredited | F.C.R.A. Registered | Benevity Approved

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